The Maturity and Departure of Boys and Girls

The young love will leave when it matures, but obviously boys and girls mature very differently.

l Boy NFT: After participating in the love project, the boy NFT will yield a certain amount of $Love every day. When boy NFTs have produced $Love for 15 days, they will appear mature and voluntarily leave you and the whole project.

l Girl NFT: After participating in the love project, girls NFTs will take out a certain percentage of $Love every day. Girls NFTs can "claim" the $Love at any time, regardless of the amount of $Love taken each time. After claiming $Loves 15 times, they will grow mature and voluntarily leave you and the whole project. 

Don't worry. Although the boy NFTs and the girl NFTs have left, they will bring along the love experiences into their own journey, and you will be able to get the $Love they produced in the project.

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